Ampacities of Copper Alloy C11000 Bus bars


Ampacities in the table below are for bus bars having an emissivity of 0.4. This was observed on samples exposed for 60 days in an industrial environment, and it is probably identical to that of bus bars in service.


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Dimension, Inches Area Weight Per Ft
in Lbs
DC Resistance
at 20° C
30° C Rise 50° C Rise 65° C Rise
Thickness x Width Sq. In Circ Mils
Per Sq. Ft.
Skin Effect
at 90° C
60 Hz
Skin Effect
at 90° C
60 Hz
Skin Effect
at 90° C
60 Hz
1/16 x 1/2 .0312 39.7 .121 264.0 1.00 103 1.00 136 1.00 157
1/16 x 3/4 .0469 59.7 .181 175.0 1.00 145 1.00 193 1.00 225
1/16 x 1 .0625 79.6 .241 132 1.00 187 1.00 250 1.00 285
1/16 x 1 1/2 .0938 119 .362 87.7 1.00 270 1.00 355 1.00 410
1/16 x 2 .125 159 .483 65.8 1.01 345 1.01 460 1.01 530
1/8 x 1/2 .0625 79.6 .241 132 1.00 153 1.00 205 1.00 235
1/8 x 3/4 .0938 119 .362 87.7 1.00 215 1.00 285 1.00 325
1/8 x 1 .125 159 .483 65.8 1.01 270 1.01 360 1.01 415
1/8 x 1 1/2 .188 239 .726 43.8 1.01 385 1.01 510 1.01 590
1/8 x 2 .250 318 .966 32.9 1.02 495 1.02 660 1.02 760
1/8 x 2 1/2 .312 397 1.21 26.4 1.02 600 1.02 800 1.02 920
1/8 x 3 .375 477 1.45 21.9 1.03 710 1.03 940 1.03 1100
1/8 x 3 1/2 .438 558 1.69 18.8 1.04 810 1.03 1100 1.03 1250
1/8 x 4 .500 636 1.93 16.5 1.04 910 1.04 1200 1.04 1400
3/16 x 1/2 .0938 119 .362 87.7 1.00 195 1.00 260 1.00 300
3/16 x 3/4 .141 179 .545 58.4 1.01 270 1.01 360 1.01 415
3/16 x 1 .188 239 .726 43.8 1.01 340 1.01 455 1.01 520
3/16 x 1 1/2 .281 358 1.09 29.3 1.02 480 1.02 630 1.02 730
3/16 x 2 .375 477 1.45 21.9 1.03 610 1.03 810 1.03 940
3/16 x 2 1/2 .469 597 1.81 17.5 1.04 740 1.04 980 1.03 1150
3/16 x 3 .562 715 2.17 14.6 1.05 870 1.05 1150 1.04 1350
3/16 x 3 1/2 .656 835 2.53 12.5 1.07 990 1.06 1300 1.06 1500
3/16 x 4 .750 955 2.90 11.0 1.09 1100 1.08 1450 1.07 1700
1/4 x 1/2 .125 159 .483 65.8 1.01 240 1.01 315 1.01 360
1/4 x 3/4 .188 239 .726 43.8 1.01 320 1.01 425 1.01 490
1/4 x 1 .250 318 .966 32.9 1.02 400 1.02 530 1.02 620
1/4 x 1 1/2 .375 477 1.45 21.9 1.03 560 1.03 740 1.03 860
1/4 x 2 .500 637 1.93 16.5 1.04 710 1.04 940 1.04 1100
1/4 x 2 1/2 .625 796 2.41 13.2 1.06 850 1.06 1150 1.06 1300
1/4 x 3 .750 955 2.90 11.0 1.08 990 1.08 1300 1.07 1550
1/4 x 3 1/2 .875 1110 3.38 9.40 1.10 1150 1.09 1500 1.09 1750
1/4 x 4 1.00 1270 3.86 8.23 1.12 1250 1.11 1700 1.10 1950
1/4 x 5 1.25 1590 4.83 6.58 1.16 1500 1.15 2000 1.14 2350
1/4 x 6 1.50 1910 5.80 5.49 1.18 1750 1.17 2350 1.17 2700
3/8 x 3/4 .281 358 1.09 29.3 1.02 415 1.02 550 1.02 630
3/8 x 1 .375 477 1.45 21.9 1.03 510 1.03 680 1.03 790
3/8 x 1 1/2 .562 715 2.17 14.6 1.05 710 1.04 940 1.04 1100
3/8 x 2 .750 955 2.90 11.0 1.08 880 1.08 1150 1.07 1350
3/8 x 2 1/2 .938 1190 3.62 8.77 1.12 1050 1.10 1400 1.09 1600
3/8 x 3 1.12 1430 4.35 7.35 1.15 1200 1.14 1600 1.13 1850
3/8 x 3 1/2 1.31 1670 5.06 6.38 1.18 1350 1.16 1800 1.15 2100
3/8 x 4 1.50 1910 5.80 5.49 1.20 1500 1.19 2000 1.18 2350
3/8 x 5 1.88 2390 7.26 4.38 1.24 1800 1.23 2400 1.22 2800
3/8 x 6 2.25 2860 8.69 3.66 1.27 2100 1.26 2800 1.24 3250
1/2 x 1 .500 637 1.93 16.5 1.04 620 1.04 820 1.04 940
1/2 x 1 1/2 .750 955 2.90 11.0 1.08 830 1.08 1100 1.07 1250
1/2 x 2 1.00 1270 3.86 8.23 1.12 1000 1.11 1350 1.10 1550
1/2 x 2 1/2 1.25 1590 4.83 6.58 1.16 1200 1.15 1600 1.14 1850
1/2 x 3 1.50 1910 5.80 5.49 1.20 1400 1.19 1850 1.18 2150
1/2 x 3 1/2 1.75 2230 6.76 4.70 1.24 1550 1.22 2100 1.21 2400
1/2 x 4 2.00 2550 7.73 4.11 1.26 1700 1.25 2300 1.24 2650
1/2 x 5 2.50 3180 9.66 3.29 1.32 2050 1.30 2750 1.29 3150
1/2 x 6 3.00 3820 11.6 2.74 1.36 2400 1.34 3150 1.33 3650
1/2 x 8 4.00 5090 15.5 2.06 1.42 3000 1.40 4000 1.39 4600

*Applicable to typical in-service conditions (indoors, 40°C ambient temperature), horizontal run on edge, and free from external magnetic influences.

Table courtesy of Copper Development Association Inc. (