A Comprehensive Guide to Jointing Busbars: Which Method is Best?

May 8, 2023
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There are many situations where it is necessary to join two busbars to create a single, unified unit. This process, called “jointing,” may be needed to create a longer busbar from shorter, more manageable pieces; or to create a T-shaped tap-off connection from the main busbar. The result of jointing must simultaneously meet multiple objectives…. View Article

Laminated Bus Bars:

January 15, 2021
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Design, Fabrication, and Testing Expertise Are Keys to Performance, Reliability Laminated bus bars address two power-related design challenges: they significantly reduce voltage drop due to IR loss in high-current power-distribution systems, and their very low stray inductance minimizes a possible cause of instability and output oscillation in switching power supplies.  Depending on size and thickness,… View Article

Engineering Blasphemy: Smaller is not Always Better

September 9, 2020
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USING ALUMINUM FOR BUS BARS   Design engineers strive to make equipment smaller and more efficient.  The hidden assumption being that smaller is always better. Copper bus bars require less cross-sectional area than aluminum and can fit inside a tighter footprint.  Thus, the vast majority of electrical equipment is designed with copper bus bars. However,… View Article